Live Local | Give Local Providing lifesaving blood donations for 70-plus hospitals in Kentucky

Oct. 21 Blood Supply

o+ 50%

o- 50%

a+ 75%

a- 50%

b+ 75%

b- 50%

ab+ 75%

ab- 50%

Did You Know?

Kbcicons 1in4

1 in 4 people will need blood in their lifetime

Kbcicons 400

400 donors needed daily in Kentucky

Kbcicons 1pint3lives

1 pint = 3 lives saved

About Us

Kentucky Blood Center is the largest Food and Drug Administration licensed blood bank headquartered in the Commonwealth. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring a safe, adequate blood supply for patients throughout Kentucky. KBC relies on volunteer blood donors to provide 400 pints of blood per day to meet area patients’ needs.

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