Jon Rogers Headed to Sin City for Free for His Good Deed

BEREA, Ky. – Madison County blood donors don’t only save lives, sometimes they win prizes, too.
That’s what happened to Jon Rogers of Berea. After donating in July at the Berea Community Blood Drive, Rogers was randomly selected as the winner of a trip to Las Vegas, one of three vacations Kentucky Blood Center gave away this summer.
The chance for other donors to win, however, isn’t over. Those who register to give blood through September are eligible to win a new Toyota Corolla Sport. (Donors must be 18 to win the car.)
Berea donors can be automatically entered to win by giving blood at the Berea Community Blood Drive, which is 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 16 at Union Church at 200 Prospect St.
Berea’s next blood drive will be Tuesday, Nov. 18 during the 27th annual Big Blue Crush.
Visit for more information or to schedule a donation.
About Kentucky Blood Center
Kentucky Blood Center, the largest FDA regulated blood bank in Kentucky, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring a safe, ample blood supply for Kentucky patients in Kentucky hospitals. KBC relies on volunteers to donate 400 pints of blood per day to meet area patients’ needs.