Media Guidelines
Kentucky Blood Center requires prior notice before allowing media coverage at a blood drive or donor center.
Media appointments can be made by contacting one of the KBC representatives listed above.
If you are a member of the media and have a general inquiry, please send a message to media@kybloodcenter.org.
KBC Logo and Brand Guidelines
Contact Information
Kentucky Blood Center’s Marketing and Communications Department works with members of the media and others in the community to educate the public on the ongoing and increasing need for blood and blood products.
Mandy Brajuha
Vice President, External Relations
Office Phone: 859.519.3721
Cell Phone: 859.230.0246
Email: mandy.brajuha@kybloodcenter.org
Eric Lindsey
Director of Media and Branding
Office Phone 859.519.3795
Cell Phone 859.619.0944
Email: eric.lindsey@kybloodcenter.org