LEXINGTON, Ky. – Fifth District Magistrate Candidate Clifford P. Jasper is challenging other area candidates to save lives.
Jasper, a regular blood donor with Kentucky Blood Center, invites all candidates running in the upcoming November election to give blood in the next couple of weeks.
“What I’m trying to do is get people interested in donating,” said Jasper who gives blood in memory of his sister Roberta Jasper Dykes who passed away in March.
Jasper encourages others to donate blood in honor of a friend or loved one who has had blood transfusions.
The Somerset Donor Center, located at 120 S. Highway 27, is open Monday and Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon.
Donors can make an appointment to give by calling 800.775.2522 or visiting www.kybloodcenter.org.
About Kentucky Blood Center
Kentucky Blood Center, serving more than half of Kentucky’s counties, is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a safe, adequate blood supply for patients at nearly 70 Kentucky hospitals and clinics. KBC relies on volunteers to donate 400 units of blood per day to meet area patients’ needs. Over the last year KBC distributed nearly 130,000 blood components.