LEXINGTON, KY – Kentucky Blood Center wants to give a boost to the summer blood supply and to motivate donors, the nonprofit will draw two weekly winners for $500 gift cards starting this week and ending Sept. 18.
The Summer Sweet 16 promotion gives KBC the chance to reward donors with two chances to win a $500 VISA gift card each week. Because of the economic hardships many Kentuckians are facing due to the global pandemic, KBC chose this promotion in order to reward more donors rather than have one grand prize drawing for the summer.
Donors are automatically entered to win when they register to donate at any KBC donor center or mobile blood drive between May 30 and September 18. Weekly winners for the previous Saturday – Friday period will be drawn and contacted each Monday during the summer.
“Summer is a difficult time to maintain an adequate blood supply,” said Mandy Brajuha, Vice President of External Relations. “As we continue through the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing a dwindling blood supply as elective surgeries resume. That, coupled with the fact that our ability to collect blood through mobile blood drives has decreased, has us looking for new ways to motivate people to donate blood to save local lives this year.”
KBC provides services in 90 Kentucky counties from Pikeville to Paducah, with donor centers in Lexington, Louisville, Pikeville and Somerset. Since mid-March, the organization has seen an unprecedented number of blood drives cancel, negatively impacting the blood supply.
“When the pandemic first impacted Kentucky, we saw a great outpouring of support from first-time donors or people who hadn’t rolled up their sleeves in years,” Brajuha said. “As our state begins to slowly re-open, we are urging donors to come back to donate again as the blood supply definitely needs help.”
Donors may give at any KBC mobile blood drive or donor center. KBC donor centers are listed below.
To schedule a blood donation or if you would like more information about hosting a blood drive at your business, place of worship or in your community, visit kybloodcenter.org or call 800.775.2522.
KBC is currently requiring appointments to ensure social distancing. Face coverings are required when donating.
Blood donors must be at least 17-years-old (16 with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds, be in general good health, show a photo I.D. and meet additional requirements. Sixteen-year-old donors must have a signed parental permission slip, which can be found at kybloodcenter.org.