Therapeutic phlebotomy is the controlled removal of blood (approximately one pint). The primary purpose of therapeutic phlebotomy is to reduce iron stores and red cell mass. Therapeutic phlebotomy may be indicated for conditions such as hereditary hemochromatosis, polycythemia, porphyria cutanea tarda, iron overload due to hepatitis C virus or other conditions as indicated by your physician.
Therapeutic Patients
Kentucky Blood Center provides therapeutic phlebotomy services at no charge to you. Your physician will provide KBC with a prescription for therapeutic phlebotomy that is specific to your diagnosis. Prescriptions for therapeutic phlebotomy must also be reviewed by KBC’s medical director.
A therapeutic phlebotomy prescription is typically valid for one year from the date it was signed by the patient’s physician; however, there may be cases when a physician indicates therapeutic phlebotomy for a shorter period of time or a specific number of units.
Getting Started
Your doctor will complete and sign the Physician’s Request for Therapeutic Phlebotomy form supplied by KBC and mail or fax it to KBC’s main office.
If your physician gives the completed paperwork to you, please mail or fax the paperwork to Kentucky Blood Center. Paperwork must be received and processed before you can visit a donor center to give blood. Our staff will not be able to perform therapeutic phlebotomy on patients who arrive at the donor center with their physician-signed form.
KBC performs therapeutic phlebotomy at its eight donor centers. Appointment times are available on weekdays the donor center is open starting one hour after opening and ending one hour before the center closes.
Therapeutic phlebotomy is not performed on mobile blood drives or on bloodmobiles. If calling to schedule an appointment, please indicate that you are a therapeutic patient.
Please call KBC administration at 800.775.2522 (option 3) to schedule your appointment, allowing a few days for KBC to process the prescription from your physician first. You may also schedule additional appointments with staff at the collection site as you are being treated.
Please schedule at least three business days in advance so that we can ensure your patient chart is at your desired location, your prescription is still valid and your scheduled appointment meets the time interval required by your prescription.
Appointments are required for therapeutic phlebotomy.
24 Hours Before Your Visit
Drink plenty of fluids
Get a good night's sleep
Day of Your Appointment
Eat within four hours of your procedure
Bring a picture ID (e.g., driver's license, government ID, etc.)