Cindy Baker's Donor Story

JULY 8, 2016
Cindy Baker is the force behind the successful Mercer County High School blood drives.
Officially, she’s the school’s bookkeeper but she also acts as the blood drive chairperson. And at a school that hosts at least five successful blood drives a year, that’s a big undertaking.
“Awareness is a big thing. We meet with incoming freshmen and make them aware of blood donation and how KBC blood stays local,” said Baker, who also tries to make blood drives fun with candy bars and pizza parties.
They also make the student donors feel special. “We reward the students. Seniors are required to do 10 community service hours to graduate. If they donate blood they get two hours,” she said. Seniors who have given a gallon or more during their high school career are presented a red cord at honors night to wear at graduation. “It signifies their contribution,” said Baker.
But what about those students who are afraid to give donations a try? “I tell them, ‘for a little pinch you have the ability to save three lives or five baby lives.’”
Host a Blood Drive
Kentucky Blood Center is always looking for new companies/organizations/schools and communities to sponsor blood drives. If you are interested in supporting Kentucky patients by hosting a blood drive.