Donors Needed at All Locations to Boost Winter Blood Supply, Beat the Gators

LEXINGTON, Ky. – Big Blue Slam, the annual blood battle between Kentucky fans and Florida fans to collect the most blood, is next week, Jan. 27–31, at all Kentucky Blood Center locations.
The friendly competition with the Gators is always an important event to shore up the winter blood supply, but a rough weather start to 2025 has placed a heightened level of importance on a big turnout. The blood supply, which was already impacted after the collections lull of the holiday season, reflects low levels for many blood types.
Donors are needed to recoup an estimated 1,000-plus units of blood in recent weeks due to winter-weather cancellations. In the process, KBC hopes to extend its four-year winning streak over LifeSouth Community Blood Center in Florida. KBC leads the overall series 10-6.
“This winter season has put a significant strain on our ability to provide lifesaving blood to our 70-plus hospitals,” said Mandy Brajuha, VPI of external relations at KBC. “We have been forced to cancel dozens of mobile drives, alter our collection hours at donor centers and experienced low donor turnout this January because of winter weather. We need BBN’s help to give the blood supply a much-needed boost and slam the Gators.”

All donors will receive a retro Big Blue Slam T-shirt as a thank you for saving local lives.
Donors can give at any of KBC’s eight donor centers (located in Lexington, Louisville, Corbin, Frankfort, Pikeville and Somerset) or mobile drives throughout the week. Most KBC donor centers, which are listed below, are open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. during Big Blue Slam. Public mobile drives can be found at
Donors can schedule an appointment at the links below, at or call 800.775.2522. Appointments are highly encouraged during Big Blue Slam. Walk-ins will be accepted as space allows.
Donations are vital for Kentucky patients who need blood for everything from trauma, cancer, diseases, surgeries, organ transplants and more. KBC is the exclusive blood provider for UK HealthCare, Baptist Health, CHI Saint Joseph, Appalachian Regional Healthcare and more. Whole blood donations take less than an hour from registration to refreshment.
Blood donors must be at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds, be in general good health, show a photo I.D. and meet additional requirements.
About Kentucky Blood Center
KBC, the largest independent, full-service, nonprofit blood center in Kentucky, has been saving local lives since 1968. Licensed by the FDA, KBC’s sole purpose is to collect, process and distribute blood for patients in Kentucky. KBC provides services in 90 Kentucky counties and has donor centers in Lexington, Louisville, Frankfort, Pikeville, Somerset and the Tri-County area (Corbin).