Donna Martin Wins Vacation Just for Donating Blood

DANVILLE, Ky. – Boyle County blood donors don’t only save lives, sometimes they win prizes, too.
That’s what happened to Donna Martin of Danville. After donating in August at the City of Danville Community Blood Drive, Martin was randomly selected as the winner of a trip to the Mayan Riviera, one of three vacations Kentucky Blood Center gave away this summer.
Martin, a 2-plus-gallon donor, will plan her trip with the assistance of All Inclusive Outlet, the Lexington-based travel agency that provided the six-night, seven-day all-inclusive stay at El Dorado Royale in the Mayan Riviera.
The next City of Danville Community Blood Drive is 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 1 at Boyle County Library, 307 W. Broadway St.
Donors like Martin help to ensure Kentucky patients receive the life-saving blood components they need. This is especially true for cancer patients who frequently require blood transfusions when undergoing cancer treatments. To help promote cancer awareness this month, KBC will be offering donors a Fight Cancer T-shirt.
Visit for more information or to schedule a donation.
About Kentucky Blood Center
Kentucky Blood Center, the largest FDA regulated blood bank in Kentucky, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring a safe, ample blood supply for Kentucky patients in Kentucky hospitals. KBC relies on volunteers to donate 400 pints of blood per day to meet area patients’ needs.