KBC's Oldest Donor to Give Once Again June 2 May 27, 2010

Cravens Will Then Celebrate His 92nd Birthday

LEXINGTON, Ky. – You’re never too old to give blood. Just ask Dennis Cravens, Kentucky Blood Center’s oldest active blood donor.

On June 2 at 2 p.m. at Kentucky Blood Center’s Beaumont Donor Center, Cravens is scheduled to donate platelets for the 10th time this year. Two days later, he’ll celebrate his 92nd birthday.

Cravens, a Lexington engineer, has generously donated more than nine gallons. As a platelet donor he is able to give every two weeks, up to 24 times a year.

People can begin giving blood with parental consent at age 16. But there is no upper age limit. As long as they are healthy and meet all the donor criteria, anyone 16 and older is welcome to donate.

As a summertime donor, Cravens will be eligible to win one of the three vacation destination packages (valued at $5,000 each) in KBC’s summer Give & Go promotion, which runs June 1 through Aug. 31.

To make a donation appointment or find a convenient donation location, call 800.775.2KBC or visit www.kybloodcenter.org.

About Kentucky Blood Center

The Kentucky Blood Center, serving more than half of Kentucky, is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a safe, adequate blood supply for patients at nearly 70 Kentucky hospitals and clinics. KBC relies on volunteers to collect 400 units of blood per day to meet area patients’ needs. Over the last year KBC distributed nearly 130,000 units of blood and blood products.