January Celebrates Life-Saving Blood Donors

LEXINGTON, Ky. – Generous volunteer blood donors save lives every day in Kentucky. They help other Kentuckians affected by traumas, accidents, cancer therapies, surgeries or blood diseases.
National Blood Donor Month, which has been observed in January since 1970, has a goal of increasing blood donations during the winter, a time of year that can be very difficult for blood collection. Winter weather can negatively impact the ability of people to get to blood drives or donor centers, and the cold and flu season can eliminate many donors from giving. The need for blood continues, however, no matter the season or the weather.
Kentucky Blood Center thanks blood donors with a special gift each time they register to donate. This month through Jan. 16, donors will receive a special long-sleeve gray T-shirt. However, if they like to prove they bleed blue, they may want to donate Jan. 22-26 during the 10th annual Big Blue Slam, the annual blood drive competition between Kentucky and Florida fans. Those donors will receive a blue long-sleeve T-shirt.
During Big blue Slam, the Piikeville Donor Center will be open special hours: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. There will also be mobile blood drives throughout the region, including the Rupp Arena Blood Drive from 9:30 – 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 22.
For more information about any of the blood drives, Big Blue Slam, Kentucky Blood Center or to make an appointment, visit kybloodcenter.org or call 800.775-2522, ext. 3758. Walk-ins are also welcome at all locations.
Blood donors must be at least 17-years-old (16 with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds and be in general good health. Donors must also show a photo I.D. with first and last name, like a state-issued driver’s license. Sixteen-year-old donors must have a signed parental permission slip, which can be found at kybloodcenter.org.
About Kentucky Blood Center
Celebrating 50 years of saving lives in Kentucky, KBC is the largest independent, full-service, non-profit blood center in Kentucky. Licensed by the FDA, KBC’s sole purpose is to collect, process and distribute blood for patients in Kentucky. KBC provides services in 90 Kentucky counties and has donor centers in Lexington, Louisville, Pikeville and Somerset.