Blood Donors Fight for Kentucky

LEXINGTON, Ky. – The Kentucky Blood Center is preparing for the 20th annual Big Blue Crush, which will be Nov. 12-16. The Big Blue Crush blood drive competition pits UK fans against University of Tennessee supporters to see who can give the most blood.
Last year, Tennessee won the competition, which generated more than 5,000 units of lifesaving blood. The competition is now tied – UK and Tennessee have each won nine times and tied once.
Big Blue Crush assures an adequate blood supply during the holiday season for patients.
“This is by far the biggest week of blood donations throughout the year,” said Jim Tinker, Kentucky Blood Center spokesperson. “It’s a great competition and donors are fired up to beat Tennessee.”
McDonald’s is again sponsoring Big Blue Crush and is providing each donor a coupon for a free McDonald’s Extra Value Meal. Donors also will receive a 20th anniversary Big Blue Crush T-shirt. In addition, each person registering to donate will be included in a daily drawing for two tickets to the UK vs. UT football game and two passes to the Big Blue Zone tailgate party prior to the game.
Those wanting to donate blood can call 1-800-775-2522 or visit for blood drive and donor center details. The Kentucky Blood Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a safe, adequate blood supply for 67 Kentucky hospitals and clinics thanks to generous blood donors in 62 counties.