EKU Students Loves His New Car

RICHMOND, Ky. – Brent Love, an Eastern Kentucky University student, is a lucky lifesaver. After donating blood during Kentucky Blood Center’s Drive for Life promotion, he found out this week he was the recipient of the blood center’s grand prize – a 2013 Toyota Prius. He received the car today.
Love, a 20-year-old sophomore from Florence, donated at a Kentucky Blood Center campus blood drive on Sept. 10, which qualified him to win the prize. Anyone at least 18 years old who registered to donate May 17 through Sept. 13 was automatically entered. There were 31,000 entries.
“I heard about the car giveaway when I was on the bloodmobile,” Love said. “I jokingly told my roommate that if I win, I’d give him my car. The roommate has since gotten a car, so Love’s 1997 Camry – with 154,000 miles – will go to his grandfather who was looking for a more fuel-efficient car.
Love, who has been donating since high school, said he gives whenever he can. “It’s (donating) necessary. It’s not hard to do and your pint will save somebody.”
The next KBC blood drive on EKU campus will be 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 8 and 9 in the Powell Building.
About Kentucky Blood Center
KBC, the largest FDA regulated blood bank headquartered in Kentucky, is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a safe, adequate blood supply for patients at nearly 70 Kentucky hospitals and clinics in more than 60 counties. KBC relies on volunteers to donate 400 pints of blood per day to meet area patients’ needs. Over the last year KBC distributed nearly 130,000 blood components. To schedule a donation or find a donation location, visit kybloodcenter.org or call 800.775.2522.