More Than 50 Lutheran Schools Will Participate
LEXINGTON, Ky. – Lexington-area Lutherans will join Lutherans throughout Kentucky and Indiana in a competition to help saves in April.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will sponsor a regional blood drive April 19-27 with a goal of 1,500 blood donors. More than 50 Lutheran schools and churches will participate. Locally, Gethsemane, Good Shepherd, Word of Hope, Our Redeemer, St. Johns, Victory Lutheran and Faith Lutheran churches will take part in the weeklong competition at Kentucky Blood Center.
Thrivent Financial is partnering with the Kentucky Blood Center, as well as Indiana Blood Center and Hoxworth Blood Center in Ohio for this event.
All donors will be entered into a prize drawing for more than $2,500 worth of gift certificates. First-time donors also will be registered to win a special gift. All donors will receive a Kentucky Blood Center T-shirt, and all donations will be tallied and the winner will be announced at the end of the week.
Everyone is encouraged to make an appointment to donate by visiting or by calling 800-775-2522. There will be special prize drawings for the early-birds who register by April 6 and for first-time donors.
The Thrivent blood drive will be kicked-off Saturday, April 19 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Kentucky Blood Center at 3121 Beaumont Centre Circle in Lexington with a special program, refreshments and an opportunity to donate.
Anyone in general good health, 17 years or age or older and weighing at least 110 pounds may donate. All donors must show a photo I.D. Donors also are asked to mention the Thrivent Blood Drive at the registration desk at Kentucky Blood Center.
The Kentucky Blood Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a safe, adequate blood supply for 67 Kentucky hospitals and clinics thanks to generous blood donors in 62 Kentucky counties.